Tanner Holden, Bixby High School Class of 2018
We shoot cool senior pictures. It’s what we do. While I would like to believe that happens because of the talent and skill of the photographer, that’s only part of it. For us at Shipman Photography, the secret sauce in our cool senior pictures is that we get to know our clients and we learn about them. We get to know their personalities, their interests and their plans for the future.

It helps us plan their shoot, and suggest ideas, locations themes and so on. In the case of Tanner Holden however, we already know a lot. Tanner you see, is an “FOJ” (friend of Jessica). My daughter Jessica, a 2017 Bixby High School graduate is now a proud member of the Oklahoma State University Cowboy Marching Band, but before that she was the Woodwind Captain of the Pride of Bixby Marching Band – one of the elite Tulsa area high school marching bands, and a consistent state champion in their class.
This year her friend Tanner, a clarinet player, is a section leader. Jessica’s “squad” as the kids call it, has always been a close-knit group of great kids. I won’t list them all here for fear of forgetting one, but Tanner has always been and shall always be considered part of our family as I’ve known him for a long time.

Tanner is a great young man and we are proud to know him and his parents Cory (aka Batman) and Shelly. Here’s a video from the Batman shoot we did with Cory.
So, it was our great honor and privilege to be asked to shoot Tanner’s senior portraits, and here are some of our favorites, but we would like you to know more about Tanner, so I am now introducing a new feature of our clients blogs:

5 Questions from Shipman Photos to Tanner Holden.
SP: What are your plans after high school? College? Major?
TH: Oklahoma State University – aerospace mechanical engineering
SP: Who has been your favorite teacher at Bixby and why?
TH: Mrs. Brown (formerly Ms. Gilbert), freshman biology
SP: What was your Best High school memory?
TH: Freshman year OBA (Oklahoma Band Association) championship – which was the first of a 4 year run of state championships for the Pride of Bixby
SP: What is a fact about you that would surprise people to know?
TH: I really like to travel
SP: Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon?
TH: oh no….
SP: Yeah, the food was great, but there was no atmosphere. Ha! #dadjoke

In closing, I would like to relay a conversation I just had with Tanner who called me today and was asking about potentially assisting me on some photo shoots because “you really get to know people and make a photo shoot fun. That’s what photography should be about.” And I take that as a big compliment because it takes two to make truly cool senior pictures. Thanks Tanner!
Be sure to visit us HERE to learn more about senior portraits with Shipman Photography